Lifeforce Energy Awakening Process

LEAP was founded by Robin Erkel. Robin describes LEAP as: “a direct transmission of lifeforce energy that naturally activates a profound self-awakening process, often also called kundalini awakening.”


Kundalini is one of the names given to the powerful, creative and divine life force energy that’s inside every human being. However, it often lies dormant in us; we only tap into a limited part of it.

But once awakened, a profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure, bringing about more conscious awareness. This rewiring enables a deep healing and transformation that is so often unattainable by other means.”

​This is a natural energy transmission, it’s not a self-generated process but the path of surrender. This lifeforce energy has incredible intelligence and will do exactly what your system needs in the moment.

​It is a safe and natural process. When the energy starts to move, and the awakening is happening, sensations as physical and emotional releases in the body often occur.

​In daily life we are often so busy with thinking about what we need to do next. We as humans have created a space in this society to always move on and to walk away from our emotions and pain. In LEAP you are invited to surrender to the present moment. It’s a journey of going beyond everything you thought you knew.

What you might experience

The session is always held in a safe and relaxing space. After the introduction you are asked to close your eyes and relax. Music will be played, and the session will start. 

LEAP can be experienced on different levels: 


  • Spontaneous movements of the body 

  • Emotional releases 

  • Energetic sensations 

  • Seeing visions 

  • States of pure bliss

  • A feeling of being one with the mind and body


These are a few of the many aspects that could possibly happen, and do not need to happen for the energy to work. Each session is different and brings you closer to your true self over and over again.

Benefits of LEAP

With LEAP, only a portion of the process occurs on the mat. The majority of the energetic work comes up spontaneously in your daily life. Experiences vary from person to person and session to session. Remember that LEAP is a process, it is therefore recommended to take a series of 3-5 sessions.


Most common benefits: 

  • Release and relief of stress and tension in your body

  • More self-confidence

  • Overcoming traumatic experiences

  • Increase in overall energy and vitality

  • More creativity and productivity

  • Being one with body and mind 

  • More spiritual awakening 

  • States of deep bliss and happiness

  • More connection with your intuition

  • Shift to a more conscious life


As mentioned, LEAP is the path of surrender, so surrender to what comes up. If you are ready for an inner change, take a look at the Events or Private Sessions page to being your journey.